Map of California Waterways

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California Waterways

Authored by: Ashley Ly @ New Maps Plus, UKy Department of Geography

This thematic map, "Major Waterways of California", was made to visualize the stream network in California. This map uses a dark theme style with a neutral, dark gray background and bright blue streams. The features of this map include major waterbodies, streams, urban areas, and the state. This is the hydro layering order. The streams on this map graduates the size by stream order. Stream order is a ranking of streams on a network. On the map, 1 Stream Order shows it being lowest on the network rank with the thinnest line and 6 Stream Order being the highest on the network rank with the thickest line. There are labels for the water bodies and urban areas. The major bodies labels displayed are waterbodies greater than 43.5 area square miles and the urban areas displayed are selected major urban areas.

This map was created in October 2020 using QGIS 3.16. The data source is from The National Map Small-Scale website. The data was reprojected to NAD83 California Teale Albers.